Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals.

Assignment Question STRATEGIES FOR ACADEMIC PORTFOLIOS In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products. Similarly, nurse-scholars can build a personal brand to add visibility and credibility to their work. You … Read more

Select a company from the following list-Provide background information on the challenge.

Assignment Question Global Marketplace Challenges – Nike Select a company from the following list. This list reflects organizations that experienced some challenges in the global marketplace. – Nike Each of these companies have experienced challenges operating in the global marketplace, bringing them negative notoriety in some cases, which could have or did impact their growth … Read more

Select two advertisements. Describe the needs identified by Abraham Maslow that each ad addresses. What consumer segment is being targeted?

Assignment Question Part 1: Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between a four Ps approach to marketing and the value approach (creating, communicating, and delivering value). Part 2: Select two advertisements. Describe the needs identified by Abraham Maslow that each ad addresses. What consumer segment is being targeted? Part 3: Find an international version … Read more

Causes of the Great Depression-Write a 2-page paper answering the following question: Contrary to a popular view, the Great Depression was not caused by the 1929 stock market crash.

Assignment Question Causes of the Great Depression Write a 2-page paper answering the following question: Contrary to a popular view, the Great Depression was not caused by the 1929 stock market crash. We have had similar reductions in stock prices to those in 1929 before and after the Great Depression. What historical events took place … Read more

Identify the competitors of your product in the Middle East region. Perform a SWOT analysis for your product in relation to those of your competitors.

Assignment Question Think of a new or revised product that you would like to see in the Middle East market. 1. Provide an overview of how and why the idea of this new or redesigned product was generated. 2. Explain the economic, social, demographic and technological reasons for designing or redesigning the product. 3. Identify … Read more

Identify one particular aspect of the college cost problem and explain why it is important in the bigger context of the overall question (e.g. labor market shifts, student recreational facilities or services, student financial aid, loan debt, faculty workload, faculty salaries, research infrastructure, bureaucracy, rankings, federal government policy, etc.)

Assignment Question PAPER 2 is a research paper that explores in more depth one particular aspect of the college cost problem, and a potential solution, that is of interest to you. The paper should: Identify one particular aspect of the college cost problem and explain why it is important in the bigger context of the … Read more

Remind your peers what company and product, and which overseas country you chose for your assignments Will your company’s existing business model work in the overseas target country? Why or why not? What are the major differences between the culture of your home country and your overseas target country?

Assignment Question In Prichard’s article in this week’s materials, he quotes Robert Salomon, a professor of international management. Salomon says: “The problem is that managers systematically overestimate the benefits of globalization and underestimate its costs.” With this comment in mind, think about your company and the overseas country you chose to research in this course. … Read more

Identify a market you would like to work on, also describe what are relevant market design features that you consider worth investigating.

Assignment Question Identify a market you would like to work on, Also describe what are relevant market design features that you consider worth investigating. Look into the Electricity Market specifically the Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) in the European Union (EU). “Capacity mechanisms enable power plants to be available for generating electricity when needed. In exchange, … Read more

Create a new product or service to be introduced by your company. How does marketing support your company’s mission, objectives, and growth strategies?

Assignment Question Approximately 15 content pages in length (equates to approximately 3,750 words), Term Project – Marketing Plan I. Assignment Overview (Refer to Chapter 3 Supplement – Build a Marketing Plan) The purpose of this project is to familiarize you with the elements of a company marketing plan covering the rollout of a new product … Read more

In other words, what will you say in an ad to potential subway customers to make them want to go to Subway rather than a competitor?

Assignment Question Subway Case Promotion Two pages (single spaced) should be enough to provide a summary. Key is what segment do you recommend Subway pursue (using data from the tables). Then what products/features to highlight in an ad, and what is the promotion message, position statement, that can set Subway apart from the competition. In … Read more