EXP4404 Discussion: Operant Conditioning: Reinforcement

Describe operant conditioning using the terms motivating operation, stimuli, behavior, and consequence. What are the four types of operant conditioning and how do they differ from one another? Compare and contrast behavior momentum and the Premack principle. Provide a novel example of each in practice. What is one thoughtful question (e.g., one promoting discussion and … Read more


Objective: Design a concise, informative, and visually appealing fact sheet that communicates key information about a public health issue to inform and persuade stakeholders.  

Discuss the potential impact of your project on your anticipated results to the betterment of health and/or health outcomes.

This week’s assignment is STEP 2 – Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOt Formatted Clinical Project Question. The student will answer the items below in a Word doc and submit to the assignment link. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment. Project Purpose Statement – Provide a declarative sentence or two … Read more

Explain and justify why you did refute, challenge and modify, or accept their ideas. How did what they say help you clarify or expand on your original answers?

Part A: Initial Post Hallucinogens and Psychedelics have been used for centuries. Many cultures have believed that these substances take them to a spiritual place where they are able to see beyond the earth. However, this appears not to be the case in American culture where the use of hallucinogens and psychedelics have no clinical … Read more

How could you use the readings for this unit to support Cardi B’s claim that she’s “just trying to help the world” with “Cheap Ass Weave” and “Bongos”?

Answer all of the questions below. Please include at least 1 direct citation from a course reading and 1 direct citation from a song in each answer. 1. Discuss Nadia Brown and Lisa Young’s concept of ratchet politics. a. How do Brown and Young define “ratchet politics”? Give at least 2 examples of ratchet politics … Read more

Write a summary description of what you have found and documented in your annotated bibliography.

  Topic: Research Review 2 Based on the topic you chose in your first week’s discussion and any feedback you received, search for at least three (3) sources from Journals or/and conference proceedings papers, research organizations that discuss/address your topic of interest and research questions (Note: use the databases listed below to search for papers). … Read more

After viewing the lectures so far, what aspect of becoming a licensed architect do you find the most surprising?

Discussion – Architecture After viewing the lectures so far, what aspect of becoming a licensed architect do you find the most surprising? The title of your discussion post should summarize your thoughts on the topic. The post itself should be video recorded with audio (between 45-90 seconds long) and include your thoughts on the topic … Read more