Do you notice rhetorical strategies or techniques? Can you give an example? Do you think it’s effective?

Do you notice rhetorical strategies or techniques? Can you give an example? Do you think it’s effective? The elements of persuasion include our chosen issue and stance, developing a claim (the argument in a nutshell), supporting our research with evidentiary proof, and engaging the opposition to see what the other side says. Then, we provide … Read more

Describe Intrusion Prevention and Proactive Measures.

Intrusion Prevention and Proactive Measures: Much of the focus in network security centers upon measures in preventing network intrusions and handling security events. There is also a growing debate about what proactive measures an organization should take. From a practical matter, what could some of these practical measures be? Also, are there any biblical principles … Read more

Write a film analysis for “Kingdom” by Kim Seong-Hun and Park In Je focusing on episode one, and some of the relevant quality tv concepts we have covered this semester.

Assignment Question “ Write a film analysis for “Kingdom” by Kim Seong-Hun and Park In Je focusing on episode one, and some of the relevant quality tv concepts we have covered this semester. You can refer to other episodes, and shows from class (When They See Us, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Arcane, The Last of … Read more

Does the IoT product solve a problem for the market, enhance exiting processes, improve existing products, or provide a new product offering?

Assignment Question Here is the textbook Valacich, J. A., & Schneider, C. (2016). Information systems today: Managing in the digital world (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall The Internet of Things (IoT) Product Proposal Assignment The Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating … Read more

Friendship-Prepare a qualitative lab report using thematic analysis 3000 words Thematic anaylis required Coding of transcriipt is necessary – how the writer chooses to do is fine but analysis by themes is the preferred way at thhis stage by the univesity

Assignment Question Prepare a qualitative lab report using thematic analysis 3000 words Thematic anaylis required Coding of transcriipt is necessary – how the writer chooses to do is fine but analysis by themes is the preferred way at thhis stage by the univesity.Coding can be by highlighting text .This is also acceptable but must relate … Read more

In this essay you will look over your previous essays and select a topic that you would like to learn more about. Notice the example exploration essay, Talking With Grandad on page 269 of your Norton Field Guide.

Assignment Question Essay 500-1000 words 1 or more sources required. This essay is going to use a topic from one of the three previous essays, and then add a bit more research to it. In this essay you will look over your previous essays and select a topic that you would like to learn more … Read more