Is the Hostility and brutality that Ms. Zharifa Ghafari facing a new remarkable development, or do there exist other factors that have contributed to the enmity and malevolence that Ms. Ghafari faces?

Senators, Please find annexed a link to a New York Times article entitled “Afghan Town’s First Female Mayor Awaits Her Assassination.” Read the article in its entirety and write a two-page paper addressing the issue of whether or not Ms. Zharifa Ghafari was discriminated against. Do you consider this a deep structured dispute? Is the … Read more

How did the yellow press influence the public’s perception of the Spanish American War?

In Ch. 19. Read the section, Patterns of Popular Culture, “Yellow Journalism” (ebook page 470) and think about the motivations that might have urged political leaders AND the American press to clamor for war with Spain. Watch this short video below “What Sank the Maine?” Historians now know that the explosion aboard the American ship, … Read more

Conduct research using current U.S. Government regulations, policies, doctrine, and other scholarly publications that will enable the exploration of the current capabilities of artificial intelligence as a rapidly growing technological advancement,

Assignment Question AI-Enabled Technology Affecting US Military Decision-Making In the Battlespace Conduct research using current U.S. Government regulations, policies, doctrine, and other scholarly publications that will enable the exploration of the current capabilities of artificial intelligence as a rapidly growing technological advancement, identify how artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled technology enhances capabilities in the military by improving … Read more

You are asked to write three gobbets of 500 words each section-Identify the source of the text or image beyond the information which has been given to you. Is it characteristic of the work of a particular author or movement?

Assignment Question You are asked to write three gobbets of 500 words each section 1. Joshua 6:22-25, New Revised Standard Version, available at 22 Joshua said to the two men who had spied out the land, “Go into the prostitute’s house, and bring the woman out of it and all who belong to her, … Read more

Persian Gulf War-Based on your understanding of United States History in the twentieth and twenty-first century, how would you analyze, or assess, events, issues or movements affecting the American people over the past sixty (60) years? Discuss the topic that you choose in some detail, citing specific examples from the past to support your contemporary observations.

Assignment Question Write an essay on the Persian Gulf War. To earn full credit for your essay: • Your essay should directly address the topic. • Your essay must have 4 to 5 specific examples that explain the subject matter. • Your essay should be detailed; it must include proper names and dates. • Your … Read more

In what ways did women participate in politics in the Progressive Era? How did this ultimately lead to women’s suffrage and the Nineteenth Amendment? Use specific examples from course material.

Assignment Question For this assignment, select one of the essay question prompts below and follow steps 1 through 4 to complete this assignment. You are being asked to brainstorm and think about your answer to the question. Then you will write your thesis that answers the question. Underline your THESIS. The last portion of the … Read more

How would you extend? Do you believe Jeffrey helps you figure out something else that is not yet covered by his analysis? or would you build on his work as a form of criticism? How would you extend? Do you believe Jeffrey helps you figure out something else that is not yet covered by his analysis? or would you build on his work as a form of criticism?

Assignment Question The sole written assignment is the completion of a 5000 word paper, similar to a World Politics review essay, analyzing and evaluating the book, “War and Chance: Assessing Uncertainty in International Politics” by Jeffrey A. Friedman and relating it to “Tragedy of Great Power Politics”, another book by John Mearsheimer. (1800-2200 words approximately) … Read more

Unraveling the Ukraine Crisis with Russia Research

Assignment Question Write a paper on Ukraine Crisis with Russia. APA Format Answer Abstract The Ukraine Crisis with Russia is a complex and protracted international conflict that has captured global attention. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the crisis, delving into its historical context, the root causes of the conflict, the parties involved, their … Read more

Analyzing Military Tactics, Intelligence Assessment, and Long-term Consequences in the Afghanistan War Essay

Assignment Question Operation Anaconda Analytical Essay Analyze and evaluate the major points of your case study for research to write your persuasive essay. Use your time to develop a deep understanding of your topic to fully explain your stance on the topic. You are required to give an in depth introduction of your topic. Provide … Read more