Explain what everyday people can do to help advocate for this specific phase of life.

Capstone Project: Life Stage Presentation Students will design an educational presentation about a specific “life stage” for an audience of their choosing. Students will choose a life stage that was covered in this course (any developmental stage between prenatal and end of life). Students will also choose at least two developmental theories that were examined … Read more

Is it legal for Physician to withdraw life-support treatment on children when family disagreed?

I’ve chosen the article topic: A 3 years old girl life support battles leaves the hospital Deteremine the facts A 3 year old girl was removed life support battle leaves hospital 2.Define the precise ethical issue. Is it legal for Physician to withdraw life-support treatment on children when family disagreed? 3.Identify the major principles, rules … Read more

State your stance first in a clear thesis with an although and because clause Create clear topic sentences that announce each of your points at the beginning of each body paragraph Pros Validation of parental rights

Assignment Question Project 1 & 2 Taking a stand: Parenting License For project 1 and 2 you will be taking a stand on the issue of implementing a parenting license, which for the sake of the project will loosely be defined as “some type of government requirement prior to having children”. This could range from … Read more

Describe your course of action. Outline the short-term fix to the long-term solution. What are the lessons learned?

Assignment Question I. Situate yourself as an I/O psychologist for the company by summarizing your role as advisor to leadership, sales, or human resources. II. Use the framework outlined in the text: Identify the issue. Establish the facts. Identify options. Assess consequences for each option, including doing nothing. Use the Table of Pros and Cons. … Read more

A fair-minded, balanced, and objective development of the pros and cons of the issue in a well-organized sequence of ideas, free of mechanical errors Credible, reliable, and authoritative evidence in support of the points made.

equired Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 15 Lesson Completed Week 5 Source Evaluation Worksheet (included annotated bibliography) Minimum of 5 scholarly sources Introduction This week, all the hard work you have done in researching your topic and issue will come to fruition in your argumentative paper. Once you feel you … Read more

IS GUEST’S RIGHTS discussed in the paper need to be footnoted and identified/cited at the end of the paper.

MY TOPIC IS GUEST’S RIGHTS WHICH IS CHAPTER 10 IN THE PDF OF THE TEXTBOOK I have attached both the textbook and the outline of chapter 10. There needs to be sources for the cases. 1. Must be 4-5 pages double spaced. 2. You must discuss a minimum of two cases not covered in class … Read more

Delve into the psychology of one time &/or relationship in your childhood.

For your autobiography, instead of the stated requirement of 3,000 words you may write just between 2,000 – 3,000 words; be sure to delve into the psychology of one time &/or relationship in your childhood (through adolescence) and written with correct grammar and spelling, with at least one in-text APA style citation. Following is further … Read more

What does the research reveal about this topic? How might the stressor impact the family system? What resources or community services are available for families in the New York City area that you would recommend to help support the family?

Final paper: Select a specific family stressor (e.g. mental illness (be specific – anxiety (you can even select a specific anxiety such as GAD or Social Anxiety), depression (MDD, SAD etc). Eating disorders etc.), substance abuse (alcohol, cocaine, etc) or life transition (immigration, death of a spouse, divorce etc.) you would like to explore further. … Read more