Describe your course of action. Outline the short-term fix to the long-term solution. What are the lessons learned?

Assignment Question

I. Situate yourself as an I/O psychologist for the company by summarizing your role as advisor to leadership, sales, or human resources. II. Use the framework outlined in the text: Identify the issue.

Establish the facts. Identify options. Assess consequences for each option, including doing nothing. Use the Table of Pros and Cons. Apply the principles. Answer the following: Can I defend these principles to the company’s board of directors? Can I explain them in court?

Can I explain them to the media? Can I explain them to my fellow workers?

Can I explain them to my family? Following these principles, how will I feel about this decision a year from now? Would this decision seem right 20 years from now when someone writes my biography or the history of my organization? Describe your course of action. Outline the short-term fix to the long-term solution. What are the lessons learned?

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