Describe at least 4 factors that caused the larger amounts of damage in Kobe, and compared them to the equivalent conditions in Northridge.

After watching the video: “The day the earth shook”, please describe the reasons why the Kobe earthquake caused so much more damage than the Northridge earthquake, although they were similar in magnitude. Describe at least 4 factors that caused the larger amounts of damage in Kobe, and compared them to the equivalent conditions in Northridge. … Read more

Discuss Environment in the News.

Find a news article related to a topic discussed in this class, e.g., biodiversity, evolution, ecology, tectonic plates, etc. Summarize the article and discuss the issue, e.g., what you found most interesting or surprising. Citing at least two additional sources, critically analyze and fact check the article against other reliable sources, e.g., other news articles, … Read more

What diseases do you need to be concerned about after the disaster? watch youtube link from above What are some of the nursing implications of this disaster? What diseases do you need to be concerned about after the disaster? and how would you protect yourself and others? Be specific. In your discussion with peers, help each other think of additional plans and processes to help in … Read more

Describe how leaders and managers evaluate the level of motivation and organizational climate. Analyze two actions found in the literature that leaders could employ to improve the management of workplace issues

Assignment Question Activity 2 Motivation & Organizational Climate Evaluate the organizational climate and motivation of a unit where you currently or previously worked. Describe how leaders and managers evaluate the level of motivation and organizational climate. Analyze two actions found in the literature that leaders could employ to improve the management of workplace issues (motivation, … Read more

Select an article or video on an environmental history topic not previously covered in the course and comparable to previous assignments’ articles and videos in length and scope. Use your own words to write ten questions/prompts and a clear and complete answer/response for each of those ten questions

Assignment Question For this assignment, you’ll select an article or video on an environmental history topic not previously covered in the course and comparable to previous assignments’ articles and videos in length and scope. IMPORTANT: To ensure that each of you uses a unique article or video, first go to Flipped worksheet articles/videos and “stake … Read more

How do stories and legends connect us to our history, relate to our present, and help shape our future?

Assignment Question For this assignment, you will create what is called a Digital Essay using presentation software such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi, or Zoom (see videos below on how to use each of these programs). Like a text-based essay, this digital essay will need to include an Introduction, a Body, and a Conclusion, but … Read more