Guided Midwifery Placement Criteria:
Whichever topic you choose for your Guided Midwifery Placement you will need to demonstrate that you have reached out to/linked with a facility/service/group or individual that is related to your chosen topic. Examples such as providers of baby
equipment, parent and baby groups, breastfeeding support groups, speak to a new parent etc. This can be in the format of a site visit, via telephone, or online connection.
This Guided Midwifery Placement should reflect the time during which it is completed. It should reflect the level of restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic at the time of completion.
Level of Achievement Required:
Students are expected to utilise and analyse pertinent information. They are expected to display knowledge and understanding of the wider context of their chosen area.
Chosen topic area: Breast is Best
Part 1: Consider breastfeeding as an experience within Irish society. Examine the benefits, supports and barriers to breastfeeding. Explore advocacy groups and role models. Consider
cultural understanding and acceptance.
Part 2: Have a conversation with a parent who has or has not chosen to breastfeed their baby. The parent can be expecting their baby, have a newborn or older child. Discuss with them their reasons for their decisions. Explain to the participant the purpose of your discussion and seek their consent to participate. Please maintain the participant’s anonymity. Do not present a transcript of the interview.
Last Completed Projects
topic title | academic level | Writer | delivered |