Compare the two stories, Girl, and The Crane Wife and consider: what do they have in common thematically?

Compare the two stories, Girl, and The Crane Wife and consider: what do they have in common
thematically? Formulate a strong thesis claim in response to this question a claim that will allow you to
analyze theme and discuss the conclusions you draw from this comparison.

To start, review both stories closely. Reflect on the subject matter and sources of tension in each. Remember
that a comparative analysis is not just a listing of ways these stories might differ or be the same. Your essay
must be shaped by a point of view in the form of an arguable thesis in response to the prompt. Tip: Consult
How to Write a Comparative Analysis, which is hyperlinked in the assignment folder. Develop an arguable
statement in response to the prompt question. Where possible, draw on insights from this weeks literary
analysis readings.
Incorporate a minimum of three relevant quotes from the text(s), integrated smoothly and cited
correctly; do not ‘over quote’ lengthy passages keep them as short as possible to convey your point.

How to Write a Comparative Analysis,

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