Compose a short essay of three paragraphs that is no longer than two pages. Blend your own mini-thesis argument with textual citations (direct quotes or paraphrases) from Another Country.
Pick ONE of the topics listed below:
1. In Book Two, Chapter One, Baldwin shifts the narrative of Another Country to France. What do Eric and Yves have in France that the other relationships back in America seem to lack?
2.Describe Eric’s relationship with LeRoy when the two young men were growing up in Alabama. What does LeRoy know that Eric doesn’t know? How does the dynamic of their childhood relationship, as described in Book Two, Chapter One, relate to other themes Baldwin introduces in Another Country?
3. In Book One, Chapter Three, at the party celebrating the publication of Richard Silenski’s new book, we meet an agent/producer named Steve Ellis. How does Steve Ellis define artistic “success”? How does Ellis evaluate Vivaldo and Ida in this regard?
4.In Book One, Chapter Two, we meet Cass Silenski. She seems to analyze and assess the situations of other characters (Rufus, Ida, Vivaldo, Richard) without fully assessing her own issues. Pick two examples where Cass offers an opinion about another character, then offcixer your own evaluation of her judgments.
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