Demonstrate your level of understanding of the socio-ecological model by organizing the pieces of the case study into the multiple levels of interaction between individuals and their environment.

Refer to the case study described on pp. 33-34 of your textbook ( A Classic Example of the Clash of Ethnomedical Systems: Lia Lee, a Hmong Child with Epilepsy) and Figure 2-4 (p. 19) (Multiple Levels of Interaction between Individuals and their Environment) to complete this assignment. Demonstrate your level of understanding of the socio-ecological model by organizing the pieces of the case study into the multiple levels of interaction between individuals and their environment. The textbook provides you with a similar example on pp. 19-20 using injection drug users who are African American.

Organize your responses by level; use these as subheadings in your response.

Individual (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills)

Social Group/Family Dynamics

Community/Population Group

Cultural Societal


Limit your case study response to 3-5 double-spaced typed pages (not including the title page and references) and format it using APA Style. If you need help with APA Style, case study guidelines and rubrics refer to the Getting Started Module for resources.

BOOK NEEDED!!!: Edberg, M. (2013). Essentials of health, culture, and diversity: Understanding people, reducing disparities. In (R. Riegelman Ed.) Essential Public Health series. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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