Assess your skills at correctly using literary present tense, objectively summarizing with no evaluative language, and at correctly integrating direct quotes into your own writing.


This task is to assess your skills at correctly using literary present tense, objectively summarizing with no evaluative language, and at correctly integrating direct quotes into your own writing. After listening to one of your instructor’s presentations analyzing the first third of our assigned reading, please write one 200-300 word paragraph objectively summarizing his opinions (and not his explanation about facts or features) regarding it while using the three aforementioned skills. During the course of your paragraph response, you are required to correctly use at least five full quotes and five partial quotes from the presentation and/or from the text.

Who Is Your Audience?

Please remember that you are writing a paragraph for someone who is very familiar with the reading but who is completely unfamiliar with your instructor’s presentation.

Handy Dandy Hints about Grammar
1. Except when applicable (i.e. historical facts), use the present tense when writing about the reading and/or its presentation.
2. Avoid the progressive tenses.
3. Remember the difference between partial and full quotes.
4. Do not use “free-floating” quotes.
5. Commas and periods appear inside closing quotation marks unless followed directly by parenthetical citations.
6. Remember to watch for this grammar mistake: “In Bruce Anders’ presentation, he….”
7. Do not use only first names when discussing real people.

Handy Dandy Hints about Structure
1. Make sure that you write only one paragraph containing at least the minimum number of required words.
2. Avoid making your paragraph more complicated–or longer–than it has to be.
3. Disclose full name of author, reading, and presenter upon first mention, (which in this case is the topic sentence).
4. Tie the presenter to the reading.
5. Check your transitions from thought to thought.

Handy Dandy Hints about Critical Thought
1. Discuss the presentation as fully as you feel you need to.
2. While it is okay to summarize the presentation, please do not summarize the reading itself because your reader is already completely familiar with it.

Text book: McKay’s Bees by Thomas McMahon
(ISBN# 9780226561110)

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