Write a study on the topic, “How Did Husserl’s Phenomenology Become a “Science”?”

Write a study on the topic, “How Did Husserl’s Phenomenology Become a “Science”?” What was his overarching goal? 2. Think about Heidegger’s position before and after “the turn.” Which do you see as being a more worthwhile endeavor (pun intended) 3. Think about Dasen, not just in Heidegger, but as an aspect of phenomenology. Give some research and your best attempt at explaining just what it means. References: Dasen is an important concept in phenomenology even though its “inventor” Heidegger rejected it after an event he called “the turning” (Korab-Karpowicz). Beyer, Christian, “Edmund Husserl”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edited by Edward N. Zalta 1 Nov, 2016. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/husserl/ Dodson, Eric. “Husserl & the Adventure of Phenomenology – in 12 Minutes” Eric Dodson 19 Feb, 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjknxljepKA Dodson, Eric. “Heidegger in Twelve Minutes” Eric Dodson 22 Feb, 2014. Korab-Karpowicz, W.J. “Martin Heidegger (1889-1976)” Smith, David Woodruff, “Phenomenology”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edited by Edward N. Zalta 16 Dec, 2013. Schmitt, Richard. “Transcendental Phenomenology: Muddle or Mystery?” Phenomenology and Existentialism, edited by Robert C. Solomon. Rowman & Littlefield,1980, pp. 127-144.

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