Write a report on how a major school of psychological thought informs professional behavior.

Write a report on how a major school of psychological thought informs professional behavior.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Apply scholarly literature in the study of history and systems to topics in psychology.
Apply two scholarly sources on the history and systems of psychology.
Competency 2: Analyze the major events, schools of thought, and cultural influences that have affected the development of psychology as a discipline and science.
Analyze the major events that have affected the development of a selected school of thought.
Analyze how other schools of thought have affected the development of a selected school of thought.
Analyze the cultural influences that have affected the development of a selected school of thought.
Competency 3: Analyze how theory and knowledge from scholarly literature in the study of history and systems informs professional behavior and guides social thinking.
Analyze how knowledge of this school of thought informs professional behavior.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
Communicate in an organized, clear manner that demonstrates purpose, use of evidence, and correct sentence structure, with a scholarly tone.
Follow current APA guidelines for in-text citations and reference lists.
Create APA-style title page with running head.

In this activity, you will examine how a major school of psychological thought informs professional behavior in a real-world setting.


Imagine you have been asked to do a presentation for students at a meeting of the National Honor Society in Psychology at a community college in your area. They have asked you to prepare a report that examines about how a major school of psychological thought informs professional behavior in a real-world setting.

Assessment Preparation

Step 1: Choose psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism, cognitive psychology, or Gestalt psychology.

Step 2: Choose one of the scenarios below:

Scenario A: Using your knowledge of the development of this school of thought to guide the behaviors of a supervisor.
Scenario B: Using your knowledge of the development of this school of thought to guide the behavior of advertisers.
Scenario C: Using your knowledge of the development of this school of thought to guide the behaviors of a therapist working with teenagers.
Scenario D: Using your knowledge of the development of this school of thought to guide the behavior of an educator working with young children.
Assessment Instructions

For the topic and scenario of your choice, include the following:

Analysis of the major events that have affected the development of your school of thought.
Analysis of how other schools of thought have affected the development of your school of thought.
Analysis of the cultural influences that have affected the development of your school of thought.
Analysis of how knowledge of this school of thought informs professional behavior. Give examples.
Submission Requirements

You do not need an index or abstract for this paper. Use the APA Paper Template [DOCX].

Length: 57 page paper.
Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Resources and citations: A minimum of two scholarly sources is required. A maximum of one nonscholarly but credible source may be used. Format according to current APA guidelines.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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