With summaries and thoughtful reflection, should be at least 2-4 pages There should be at least 1-2 pages of summary to summarize 4 articles and 1-2 pages of reflection. Of the researchers in economics work for think tanks.

With summaries and thoughtful reflection, should be at least 2-4 pages There should be at least 1-2 pages of summary to summarize 4 articles and 1-2 pages of reflection. Of the researchers in economics work for think tanks.

Go to the following two think tanks and research one of the topics listed below:
Think TanksCATO Institute at cato.org (libertarian-conservative leaning)
Brookings Institute at brookings.edu (moderate-liberal progressive leaning)

Possible Topic (pick one):
Economic Development

1. Pick a topic. What topic did you pick and why?
2. Find 2 articles on your topic from CATO. Give the title of each one selected and a short summary. Pick ones that interest you.
3. Find 2 articles on your topic from BROOKINGS. Give the title of each one selected and a short summary.
4. Reflect on the information you have found

Possible questions to answer and might be you might come to mind…

What did you learn?
Does this effect you, your family or your friends?
What questions did they raise that surprised you and why did it surprise you?
What further questions woucixld you want to ask about the topic?

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