The paper must be about an armed conflict (either ongoing or concluded) and must answer a research question (of your choosing).
1. Introduction. Introduction is a summary of the whole work, so you should write it at the end -but the research question and the justification-. It should include the main ideas of the paper and the structure you have followed -in which parts or chapters it is divided, the content of each of them, etc.
a. Research question. This is the most important part of the research. What are you intending to research? It is of the utmost importance defining this part properly, since all the research evolves from it: it defines what is included and excluded, what you have to research, and what are the conclusions.
b. Justification. Why is your line of research important for academia, for international relations discipline, or for society awareness in general?
2. Methodology. What methodology are you going to use to gather and structure information? You can use a bibliographical revision methodology, quantitative -mostly based on polls and questionnaires-, qualitative -based on interviews, discourse analysis, etc.-, or mixed. For our purposes, I only require bibliographical research.
a. Methodological techniques, if any.
b. Primary sources. Non-elaborated documents. i.e.: the UN chart, Spanish constitution, an interview you made or a form you send among your friends and colleagues.
c. Secondary sources. Elaborated documents. Journals, magazines, newspapers, books, articles from all of them, etc.
3. Theoretical Framework. This part provides the theory where you are going to sustain your analysis. For the subject purpose, you should include International Relations theories, and the theories/doctrines studied about the topic you are researching, i.e., conventional warfare, asymmetric conflicts, armed non-State actors, propaganda, radicalization, et cetera. No definition nor theoretical explanation should be found in the analysis, all of them should be in this part.
4. Analysis. Based on the theoretical framework, you analyze the topic you have chosen according to the research question.
5. Conclusions. Based on the whole document, you answer the research question in the conclusions.
6. Bibliography. In alphabetical order, including all the authors mentioned in the text
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