Why Companies Should Add Class to Their Diversity Discussions

First, take a look at the following article:

Why Companies Should Add Class to Their Diversity Discussions

To highlight one of the themes of this article, typically conversations related to diversity tend to focus on the areas of race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Classism can be another area of focus, and one that may tend to be “hidden” unless certain situations arise in which disclosure may occur.

https://youtu.be/OxFblEsQo4USo everyone…. what exactly is classism and how would you define social class? Are all perspectives of social class economic in nature, or are there also non-economic examples as well?

In what ways can classism “manifest” itself in the workplace (and definitely, share specific examples!) And, is there such thing as “reverse” or “inter-class”/”intersectional” classism?

Finally, what steps should organizations take to address issues of social class bias, and placing yourself in the shoes of a leader or manger, what steps would you take?

Feel free to share workplace observations, experiences, etc.

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