What does the setting add to the story? How does it emphasize the central idea?
It’s not enough to identify the setting. You need to to talk about its role in the story.
+ Point of view means whose mind do we get to crawl inside. Whose thoughts and feelings do we know?
+ Characters speaking and moving does not count as point of view indicators.
+ Scan the story for use of the words “felt” and “thought.”
First person: An “I” or “We” is telling the story.
Second person: A “you” is telling the story
Third person: A “he” or “she” is telling the story. You must identify which of the three third persons it is based on whose thoughts and feelings we know.
= Third person dramatic (or objective). We do not know any of the characters’ thoughts or feelings.
= Third person limited omniscient. We know the thoughts and feelings of one character
= Third person omniscient. We know the thoughts and feelings of more than one character.
+ Dramatic and omniscient are usually more about societies and groups (and these group’s interncixal conflicts) than about individuals.
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