What documents will the client need to bring with her or him to the interview?

Respond to the discussion below by providing an alternative agency that may be appropriate for the identified issue but not necessarily the identified goal.

Social Issue-Developmental Disabilities: The goal of the client is to increase/improve independence in activities of daily living.

My Agency of choice for an alternate referral:

The New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). For more information, visit DDDs website www.state.nj.us/humanservices/ddd/services/apply/ or call 1-800-832-9173.

Respond to discussion below:

Discussion Forum: Making a Referral:
The Agency: The Arc of Mercer County (NJ) (https://arcmercer.org/)

What is the intake policy of the agency? Interested individuals should complete a form to request additional information on the website, call the main office to speak with a staff member, or send an email. Depending on which contact method is used, a representative will reach out to answer any questions, and will provide the individual/family with details on how the program can help meet the individuals goals/needs within a 48-hour timeframe, to schedule an interview.

Documents required are:

Medicaid Documentation of Disability
Physicians Statement
Most recent Psychological Evaluation (IQ score)
All available Psychological Reports
Most recent Child Study Team or school reports
Learning Evaluations
Psychiatric Evaluation
Neurological Evaluation
Hospital Records/Discharge Papers
Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Speech Therapy Evaluations
What is the approximate wait time for an intake interview? Interested individuals will be contacted within a 48 hour time frame to schedule an initial interview.

What documents will the client need to bring with her or him to the interview? Insurance cards, SSN, Birth certificate, SSI info., updated medical clearances, list of medications, list of all specialists and doctors seen and TB clearance.

What are the costs? Are there alternatives if the client cannot pay up front or in full? Costs for services are covered through Medicaid under the Community Care Program or Supports Program waiver service through the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities. However, financial eligibility must be confirmed by the Division of Disability Services or the County Board of Social Services in order to qualify for waiver services.

List any issues you would need to share with the client before making a referral the agency. Share your thoughts (positive and negative) regarding the agency.

Positives: The Arc Mercer makes a commitment to its families by developing a broad Family Support program to respond to the needs of families, guardians and caregivers of consumers in Arcs many day programs as well as the Residential and Supported Living programs. The Arc Mercer believes that this must involve the highest levels of trust which can only be achieved through open and honest dialogue with its consumers, and their families or guardians. Arc Mercer Family Support brings together all care stakeholders of their consumers to enrich every aspect of care and service delivery. The Family Support Program emphasizes the need for ongoing, thorough communication with care stakeholders including a policy to ensure response within 24 hours. The Arc Mercer takes a varied approach to providing the necessary support to family members and caregivers including input and contributions from Arc Mercer caregivers and family members is essential in program development to ensure that as an agency they are meeting the needs of their clients.

Negatives: The application process takes 3-6 months depending on how quickly the doctors appointments, clearances and scripts can be obtained.

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