What are some opportunities currently happening in the marketplace that you can capitalize on?

What is your big idea?
Describe your new product innovation… what’s you AH-HA moment? Use the tools we discussed regarding idea-ation come up with this idea.
Include what pain point you are solving for customers.
How are you creating value?
How is your idea different than the competition, and what is already on the market?
Utilizing the segmentation process, identify your target audience is (must include all of the areas that define a target audience)
Write a mission statement and a vision statement for your new company.
Create a SWOT analysis for your organization.
Be sure to create a company name and explain how you plan to market your new product or service using the promotional mix.
Throughout your paper, provide some key statistics to prove/support a need and market potential for your new product or service.
What are some trends happening in the marketplace?
What are some opportunities currently happening in the marketplace that you can capitalize on?

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