The Case for DSS Sytstems

Competition is always going to be fierce in business. The modern business now has many technology tools that can assist with finding patterns to help make better decisions. Companies are investing quite a bit in infrastructure to collect data and the tools necessary to store and analyze that data. Decision support systems (DSS) are changing how business is conducted. What might have once been the domain of educated guesses and gut instincts is now replaced by data analysis models.

Review some of the DSS software options found at Select three of them to compare. Then write a paper that includes the following:

Pros and cons of each solution
Your recommendation for the best solution
The potential risks and any issues with implementing.
Guidelines for Submission: This paper must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, APA citations. Your paper should be 300-500 words (approximately 1-2 pages), not including cover page and references. Include in text citations.

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