
Iam a student taking International Baccalaureate and I need Internal Assessment for Economics which is based on the topic Macroeconomics.

Rubrics:-A: Diagrams – although it does state diagrams, if only one is drawn and there are no obvious other ones that should have been included, students can still get the full 3 marks. Copy and pasted diagrams from textbooks, which have NOT been adapted to the article, are generic and not well explained, should not receive more than 2 marks. If diagrams are not dynamic and are not really explained they usually only get 2 marks too. Charts copied from the article do not get any marks, as these are NOT diagrams! If there are missing or incorrect labels on any essential diagram then 1 mark is awarded for Criterion A.

B: Terminology – it is NOT necessary for all terms used to be defined, but they must be used accurately which shows correct understanding. If terms are wrongly used/explained, although appropriate for the article, 1 mark should be awarded.

C: Application – this is about the student using and applying terminology/concepts and theories applicable to the article. (For example, the correct type of market structure/unemployment/inflation/trade protection.) If the theories etc are applicable to the subject of the article BUT not applied suitably to the content of the article then 1 mark should be awarded.

D: Analysis – to score the full 3 marks the analysis needs to be effective in relation to the article, not just explained/described and the discussion should be slightly more sophisticated. Students fairly often just explain the theory correctly, but do not relate it to the article so it is just ‘appropriate’ and attains 2 marks maximum. Obviously if it is rather limited in analysis and mostly descriptive (like a précis) then 1 mark should be awarded.

E: Evaluation – if the student simply re-words what has been written in the article this is 2 marks and ‘limited’ is the appropriate description. If however there is some thought beyond limited this should achieve 3 marks. To get the full 4 marks there must be specific reference to the article, not just theory, and a more critical approach, which is balanced or considers alternative views. Please remember that a conclusion is not an evaluation. If the evaluation is attempted but it unsupported or incorrect than 1 mark should be awarded. If there is no evaluation at all then 0 marks should be awarded.

F: Rubric requirements – there are 5 of these –

· Each commentary does not exceed 750 words

· Each article is based on a different section of the syllabus

· Each article is taken from a different and appropriate source

· Each article was published no earlier than one year before the commentary was written

· The 3/CSE form and the (*complete) article for each commentary are included.

* if you feel that an article is incomplete, please do check the URL and if this is the case 1 mark is lost from Criterion F.

If centres have included individual or summary cover sheets they should not be penalized.

What is appropriate for an article? Most are BUT not personal blogs, Facebook pages, advertisements, statistical tables or government reports. Although many examiners do not like the use of the “Economist” you must NOT penalize students who have used this as a source.

Some centres get their students to search for other related articles to the chosen one and this is really not necessary as the selected article should have sufficient content for the student to write an analysis and evaluation. If an evaluation is based on another article, it is actually NOT the students’ own and I feel that this should not be awarded the full 4 marks for Criterion E.
And for my IA I want you to use government macroeconomic policies article whicixch is not 1 year passed. 🙂

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