Look at how companies use CRM, SCM, and ERP to gain a competitive advantage and run more efficiently.

look at how companies use CRM, SCM, and ERP to gain a competitive advantage and run more efficiently.
Find an industry/business or company currently using one of those technologies (CRM, SCM, ERP),
Explain the term you are researching and provide clear examples of how it uses this technology to its advantage.

Links to article https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/111214/lg-case-study-successful-enterprise-resource-planning-system.asp
Link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-job-for-robots-taking-stock-for-retailers-11548597600?mod=nwsrl_logistics_report&cx_refModule=nwsrl
Link: https://www.destinationcrm.com/Articles/ReadArticle.aspx?ArticleID=127678

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