Instructional Strategies and Learning Outcomes

You should continue with the nursing topic you selected in TL001 (healthy eating and lifestyle).
By now, you will have identified a nursing topic, explained your rationale, identified the learner characteristics for each of the three learner groups (i.e., nursing students, nursing staff, and patient/caregiver), and analyzed those characteristics and their influence on lesson design and delivery, including ethical and technological considerations.

For this Performance Task Assessment, you will complete a Teaching Strategies Matrix to consider various teaching strategies/methods. You will then select the teaching strategies/methods most relevant for teaching your nursing topic to the three learner groups (i.e., nursing students, nursing staff, and patient/caregiver) and their learning characteristics. You will create learning objectives pertinent to each learner group, consider how the selected teaching strategy/method supports learners in meeting the objectives, and determine the most appropriate face-to-face learning environments for delivering your nursing topic to the three learner groups.

Submission Length: A two-part submission: (1) a matrix evaluating five potential instructional strategies/methods and (2) a 3-page paper selecting and justifying the appropriate strategies with which to teach the learner groucixps and meet learning objectives.

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