nstructional Leadership Project
Assignment Overview
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of key principles related to instructional leadership by applying building level leadership skills related to a positive school culture, effective instructional programs, best practice, professional growth plans, integrity, fairness, and ethical behavior.
This course project assesses your application of building level leadership skills in instructional leadership. ELCC Standard 2 and ELCC Standard 5 are addressed in this course project. The two course project components (School Culture Improvement Plan and Observation and Evaluation Process) were originally submitted as assignments in Units 6 and 8, to provide the opportunity to receive and incorporate suggestions for improvement from your instructor for the final submission of your Instructional Leadership Project in this assignment.
Assignment Instructions
You will submit both components of the Instructional Leadership Project, (a) the School Culture Improvement Plan and (b) the Observation and Evaluation Process memo, in the assignment area. For this assignment, you will Indicate changes and enhancements you have made to your original submissions.
School Culture Improvement Plan
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your ability to develop a plan to improve a school program and culture by incorporating cultural competence in the development of programs, curriculum, and instructional practices based on your analysis of staff member responses to statements on the Diversity and Equity Survey. The survey is designed to help you better understand current practices in your school related to the diversity (language, disability, gender, race, or socioeconomic status) of the school community.
You shared the Diversity and Equity Survey with the principal and requested permission to disseminate the survey to staff members (teachers and classroom educational assistants). Then, you followed the instructions provided in the School Culture Improvement Plan Guide to analyze the results of the survey and disseminated the survey results to staff members and principal at the school. During meetings with colleagues and the principal, you collaboratively selected the school program or school culture area that you will develop a plan to improve.
For this component of the project, develop a plan to improve school culture or a school program impacting a school’s culture, using the School Culture Improvement Plan Template. Include the following in the plan:
A detailed summary and analysis of the Diversity and Equity Survey data.
A description of the school program that was selected for improvement and an explanation or rationale for why this school program was chosen, in light of the survey data.
Details of the plan to improve a specific school program or the general school culture, incorporating cultural competence in the development of a program or curricular and instructional practices.
Explanation of the professional development activities that will be included in your plan, specifically addressing cultural competence as one of the professional development areas (ELCC 2.1).
Observation and Evaluation Process
This component of the project documents your understanding of key principles related to instructional leadership by applying skills related to effective instructional programs, best practice, professional growth plans, integrity, fairness, and ethical behaviors.
You worked with the principal to identify two teachers of varying degrees of skill levels, whose instruction you have observed. You conducted pre-observation conferences, observed, collected and analyzed data on instructional process, evaluated the teachers’ performances, and conducted post-observation conferences with concern for integrity, fairness, and ethics.
For this component of the project, you will use the Observation and Evaluation Process Template to write a memo report summarizing the improvement of instruction process used with these teachers. In the memo report, you must complete the following:
Outline the protocols used in the observations.
Describe the procedures used to analyze and evaluate the teachers’ instructional performances.
Describe how you used evidence-centered research of effective instruction to provide feedback and information to teachers to improve instructional practices and curricular materials during the observation and evaluation process. (ELCC 2.2)
Explain how you used, and also how you promoted, technology to enrich the instruction, to monitor instructional practices and curricular materials, and provide the teachers with assistances to improve (incorporating technology). (ELCC 2.4)
Describe how you worked collaboratively with teachers to improve teaching and learning by applying best practices for student learning during the observation and evaluation process. Be sure to address relevant theories (human development, proven learning, and motivational theories), diversity in the learning process, and appropriate research strategies to promote an environment for improved student achievement. (ELCC 2.3)
Working with the observed teachers and the supervising principal, develop a comprehensive growth plan for each teacher to increase the capacity of the teacher to reflect national professional standards. Your comprehensive growth plans should utilize reflective practice and research on student learning that aligns with the school vision and goals and incorporates strategies such as observations, collaborative reflections, and adult learning strategies. Include a copy of the plans without any identifying information. (ELCC 2.3)
Reflecting on your interactions with the teachers, explain how you have acted with integrity and fairness in supporting staff practices and the teachers’ rights in regard to confidentiality. ELCC 5.1)
Describe how you have used sound leadership decision-making in dealing with the teachers with regard to impartiality, sensitivity to diversity, and ethical considerations. (ELCC 5.2)
Describe at least one recommendation that you communicated to each teacher that was based on equity and diversity. (ELCC 5.3)
Reflecting on your interactions with the teachers, explain how you utilized sound school strategies for dilemmas encountered during the observation and evaluation process. (ELCC 5.4)
Reflect on your experiences during the observation and evaluation process. Assess how, as a school leader, you develop the resiliency to uphold core values and persist in the face of adversity. (ELCC 5.5)
Submission Instructions
Submit both components of the Instructional Leadership Project: (a) the School Culture Improvement Plan and (b) the Observation and Evaluation Process memo, in the assignment area.
Indicate changes and enhancements you have made to your original submissions using the highlighting feature, Track Changes, or some other method. Also, inform the instructor of new content with a note in the Comments field in the assignment area. Review the School Culture Improvement Plan Guide and the Observation and Evaluation Process Guide as needed.
Submission Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th Edition) style and formatting.
Number of resources: Minimum of 5 resources.
Length of paper: 68 typed double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
**** Please use what I already have obviously rewrite***
For the Comprehension Growth Plan, do you have an actual Comprehension Growth Plan template that your district uses with the teachers’ evaluation, if so, please include the template in your final paper? I am looking for national standards to be included in the Comprehension Growth Plan section. You described how you worked collaboratively with teachers to improve their best practices. Be sure to address relevant theories (human development, proven learning, and motivational theories), diversity in the learning process, and appropriate research strategies to promote an environment for improved student achievement. Include in your paper the following, how you used leadership decision-making in dealing with teachers with regard to impartiality, sensitivity to diversity, and ethical considerations. Just a friendly reminder: Do not begin a sentence with the word; Because. Describe at least one recommendation that you communicated to each teacher that was based on equity and diversity. Be specific! Please be sure to include this information in your final paper. Also, your references were too old(2004), replace it with a more current reference. References cannot be more than 5 to 7 years old in a scholarly paper aligned to APA formatting.******
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