In which ways do ancient literatures, such as those we have been reading in Volumes A, B, and C, offer us problem solving tools for the current pandemic?

For your Research Paper due on July 8, follow the following prompt:
In which ways do ancient literatures, such as those we have been reading in Volumes A, B, and C, offer us problem solving tools for the current pandemic?
Please remember that the prompt is not a thesis, rather it contributes to your own thesis. The thesis is your own organizing principle for the Research Paper!

Requirements for the Research Essay
-8 pages, double spaced, 14 font
-Refer to all the site visits
-Thesis as part of the introduction
-Restatement of thesis as part of the concluding paragraph (and show the beginning of a secondary thesis)
-Integrate one quote each from three of the readings found in the Norton (they should be from three different cultures)
-Develop thoughtful transitions between the readings and the site visits
-Integrate two scholarly quotes (from outside sources, not from the Norton)
-Note: Quotes should range from one to four sentences in length.
-Use MLA Format; Works Cited page required
-Prompt and essay question: tba

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