Identify the four guiding principles of patient-centered care and write a research paper on them.

Identify the four guiding principles of patient-centered care and write a research paper on them.You will write a paper in APA format (7th edition) on how your selected QSEN competency applies to the care of the obstetric or neonatal patient. You must email me in Canvas with your topic for approval by the due date. (worth 5 points of the assignment) 2. The paper is 1000- word minimum requirement. You will accomplish this by providing specific examples (3) of your patient-type and how it applies to the competency. 3. Your topic and QSEN competency must be well-researched with a minimum of 5 scholarly resources no older than 5 years (2019 to current). The term scholarly typically means that the source has been “peer-reviewed,” which is a lengthy editing and review process performed by scholars in the field to check for quality and validity. 4. Please follow the rubric attached to ensure that you are meeting the requirements of this assignment. 5. Your assignment is required to be submitted to Turnitin. Any paper that is found to be matching >20% or that is found to be generated using AI (Artificial Intelligence) will receive a “0” grade. Keep in mind, a zero may result in a failure of the course. 6. Papers not received by the due date will result in a deduction of 5% per day off the top. Papers received after 5 days will receive a “0” in the gradebook. Topics not selected within 5 days of the due date will receive a “0” on the assignment. 7. You will include in the conclusion of your assignment why the QSEN competencies are important in nursing practice.

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