Identify the culture you will focus on for your Immersion Project and the activity of the culture you plan on observing (e.g., attend a religious service; take a tour of the group’s community; or attend a gathering, festival, culture-themed play, tour, or exhibit).

Identify the culture you will focus on for your Immersion Project and the activity of the culture you plan on observing (e.g., attend a religious service; take a tour of the group’s community; or attend a gathering, festival, culture-themed play, tour, or exhibit).
—India culture
–Attending a virtual wedding

Explain how this culture is different from the culture(s) with which you identify. Differences should include both the obvious (visible differences, etc.) and the not so obvious (religious beliefs, sexual orientation, etc.).

–Differences are religious beliefs, language, ceremonies, dress code, food, education

Explain your current perceptions of this culture. Your perceptions should include what you were told about this culture as you were growing up (if anything), what your sources of information about this culture have been in the past, and why you have an interest in this culture.
–perceptions of this culture are they have strong ties to family, they have arranged marriages, they are hard working.
–I’m interested in this culture because I have an Indian friend that I woucixld like to understand his background more.

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