Human trafficking

Your final research paper should be between 3-5 pages, excluding the reference list. You must use Turabian style parenthetical references.
Explore and analyze the impact of an Inter governmental Organization , Nongovernmental Organization or Multinational Corporation on a specific human rights problem. Make sure to include overviews of the organizations you mention in your own words- no quotations, but be sure to cite paraphrased information.
Give the background of a specific human rights issue, event or incident where an IGO, NGO and/or MNC has taken action. Give a summary of that event, the outcome (or current progress) and an analysis of how you feel it was handled. Evaluate successes and failures, as well as what could have been done differently. Assess if the actors are cooperating on this issue and how well.
Your paper should have an:
Introduction with a thesis statement
Background of human rights issue
Background of the actor(s), and actions taken
Impact what has been the outcome? Where did the actors succeed or fail? What could have been done differently? Should other actors have become involved? If so, who?
Assignment Rubric
Introduction, conclusion and thesis
Research- evidence and use of reliable sources
Appropriate grammar, spelling, and organization
Citations and reference list
Setting up your essay, turning it in, and seeing feedback:
1. Do not use a cover page. Your name, assignment name, date, and page numbers should be in a header. In Word, go to “insert” and then “header.” Use the “help” function to learn more about inserting a header in Word.
2. Prepare and include a list of References (which will be the fifth page of the assignment). Make sure to use the appropriate citation format (Turabian).
3. Put your name on the file and the assignment name, too.
4. Use standard Word settings for the assignment. Double-space, 12 pt. font, 1″ margins. Use subheadings to set off the various sections of the paper, giving the subheadings a catchy title to let the reader know what’s in the section.

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