How would you go about discovering what is going on with Miya?

Doctoral Discussion 500 word 2-3 references.

A young woman named Miya is brought to your clinic/emergency department by an older woman who mostly speaks for her. Miya appears to be around 15 years old and speaks in broken English. She is tearful, has old bruises on her neck and arms, and based on your immediate assessment, has a broken arm. Her companion claims that Miya is her niece, but on questioning them both further about Miya’s health history it becomes apparent that the “aunt” does not know her niece very well. Moreover, Miya seems afraid of her aunt.
Explore this case using a decision-making framework to answer the following questions:
How would you approach this issue?
How would you go about discovering what is going on with Miya?
How do you manage to be both culturally sensitive and oriented to best health practices in dealing with this topic?
If Miya seems at risk from her protector (whether this is a case of abuse or trafficking), what steps might you take to protect her?
What are the regulations in your county/state related to minors, abuse, and trafficking?
What are the resources?

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