How does Westover use ethos, pathos, and logos throughout part one and which appeal does she use most effectively in your opinion? OR How does Westover use rhetorical devices throughout part one and which does she use mot effectively in your opinion?

Essay: Rhetorical Analysis of Educated Part 1

After reading Educated part one, write a 3-4 page rhetorical analysis.
How does Westover use ethos, pathos, and logos throughout part one and which appeal does she use most effectively in your opinion? OR How does Westover use rhetorical devices throughout part one and which does she use mot effectively in your opinion?

Introduction: Establish the Rhetorical Situation

The work and writer: use full title and full name of author when introducing the work
Give a brief background regarding the purpose of the work and the intended audience: Why do you think Westover wrote her memoir and for whom?
Which rhetorical appeal/device does Westover use most effectively in part one of Educated? (your thesis)

Body: Give specific examples as to how Westover uses rhetorical appeal (ethos, pathos, and logos), and/or rhetorical devices (ie rhetorical questions, repetition, style, humor, organization) used throughout. Be sure to emphasize which appeal is most effective and why. (Think about how you want to organize this.)

Conclusion: Use your conclusion to sum up your argument and as a call to action for what to watch for in parts 2 and 3 in terms of appeals. For example: Does Westover need to bring in more ethos? Is she too heavy on the pathos?

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