Explain what documentation will be used to monitor student progress (if appropriate).

Reminder: Follow the To-With-By Instructional Model (first explained in week 3). You will create five daily lessons. The to-with-by strategy ensures a gradual and efficient release of responsibility to all learners, whether they are a child or an adult. Defining further:
TO – learners receive explicit and intentional introduction of the new knowledge, concepts, and/or skills. For our lesson plans, this will occur during a whole group activity, most likely your morning meeting.
WITH – learners practice new information under the supervision of the educator. This generally occurs in a small group or during a related center.
BY – learners assume full responsibility of practicing new concepts. This may be the assessment performance demonstrating learner’s progress. This may occur with the child alone or with peers and must be during an authentic “play” activity, most often in a center.

Highlights for Planning the daily lesson:
Most likely, the standards written in week 3, are appropriate for the week. For daily lesson plans you will write behavioral objectives. The objectives answer this question – “What do I want children to know and be able to do at the end of today’s work/play?” Advice, write 2 or 3 daily objectives that follow this pattern, The children will…

Behavioral objectives (aligned with standards) – Choose an action verb that you can see children do or hear them say. Bloom’s verb choices usually work well: Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions for Kids – Bing images Words like “understand,” “learn” and “know” are not measurable and, therefore, are not appropriate choices when writing objectives. Verb choice is important. (P.S. and C. for ECE 5c4).

Daily Assessments: For each behavioral objective, there must be an assessment (completed on the same day). What will children perform (do) to show progress toward the objectives? Identify where the assessment will occur. How are you documenting their progress? Ask yourself, “How will the children show me that they are making progress? What will they do?” Will the assessments need modification to accommodate the two children introduced in week 3? (P.S. and C. for ECE 3c).

Vocabulary: When planning your daily activities, decide whether you will introduce all new vocabulary words for the theme on day 1 or a couple each day. That decision will be made based on the complexity of the vocabulary word(s) or concept(s) and the developmental levels of your children. Remember, we want to challenge the children but with achievable goals. If you have 5-10 words for the theme, you may want to introduce 2-3 each day, certainly no more than 5 in one lesson. How/when are you introducing them? When will they be practiced? Please see exemplar. {Hint: New vocabulary words are introduced using “realia” strategies (using real objects or pictures whenever possible.) Vocabulary is introduced prior to reading the book, emphasized during the read aloud, practiced in centers and throughout the day. Be specific.} (P.S. and C. for ECE 4c).

Whole Group Lesson: State how you will initiate the lesson or “hook” the children into participating. Write out lesson procedure or steps. Indicate modifications you will make to accommodate the 2 children with varying abilities/needs – the same two children you introduced in week 3. State when modifications will be implemented (whole group, particular center, outdoor play, etc.).
Finally, add the closure of the lesson. The closure is generally a review of important concepts in the lesson. It may include a review of the vocabulary and your transition to Centers. Each lesson should incorporate play as a core teaching practice and support the development of executive function skills (organization, flexible thinking, initiation, emotional and impulse control, planning, working memory, self-monitoring. (P.S. and C. for ECE 4b).
Technology with Children:
Interactive technology and media are prevalent tools of societies throughout the world. Young children are growing up at ease with these digital devices beginning at home with their parents’ phones and IPADS. Children continue using these devices in school to learn, explore the world around them and document what they see or learn. Using technology has become a necessity and a life skill. Children even practice fine motor skills when pressing keys or dragging items on the screens! Candidates explain what technology is used in this theme, how, and when. Even without a classroom computer for the children, other technologies should be built into the curriculum. (P.S. and C. for ECE 4c)

Extension Activities (Learning Centers)– at least 5
Remember those center activities you identified on your planning web in week 4? This is where you will use them. Depending on how your classroom runs, you will state the centers that will be available each day. Some of you may have all 10 centers available daily. Others may have only 5 centers available on any given day. On your planning web, you provided a brief title or explanation of the 10 centers to be used throughout the unit. A few of the centers may be used daily but others may be specific to a particular day. On the daily plans, identify at least five centers to be available that day. Begin this section by listing the 10 centers on your web. State the day(s) on which it will be practiced. State if you will have any small group lessons during this time. Provide activity details here:

Describe the activity in detail. Align the activity to an objective. Cite source of activities (if not created by you)
State the expectations of what children will do in the center that day,
Identify whether the objectives will be observed/assessed in the center.
Explain what documentation will be used to monitor student progress (if appropriate).
Name any Executive Function skills that will be practiced in centers. (P.S. and C. for ECE 5b

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