This assignment is a case study paper for my international relations course. First, please read the attached PDF file named “stateless nations,” which explains a problem. Then, this assignment should address and solve the issue using both Liberal Institutionalism theory and Anti-Imperialism theory by coming up with own policies, tactics, or strategies. DO NOT COPY FROM THE READINGS; please come up with an original solution. The paper should be divided into 6 paragraphs with subtitles.
1st paragraph: Introduction
Before writing, read the attached PDF file named “para1 liberal institutionalism” and “para1 anti-imperialism”. Begin with a brief overview of how the key assumptions for the two theories relate to the issue. Do not just repeat the assumptions but briefly apply them to the specific issue.
2nd paragraph: The Role of Power (short body paragraph)
Before writing, read the attached PDF file named “para2 liberal institutionalism” and “para2 anti-imperialism”. Discuss the role of power for both theories. Do not just repeat the concepts but briefly apply them to the specific issue.
3rd paragraph: Interests (short body paragraph)
Before writing, read the attached PDF file named “para3 liberal institutionalism” and “para3 anti-imperialism”. Discuss the interests of both theories. Do not just repeat the concepts but briefly apply them to the specific issue.
4th paragraph: Political Economy (short body paragraph)
Before writing, read the attached PDF file named “para4 liberal institutionalism” and “para4 anti-imperialism”. Discuss the interests of both theories. Do not just repeat the concepts but briefly apply them to the specific issue.
5th paragraph: Policy Tools (MAIN PARAGRAPH)
Before writing, read the attached PDF file named “para5 liberal institutionalism” and “para5 anti-imperialism”. Discuss which policy tools informed by both theories should be used to address the issue. Be specific about each policy tool and the outcome for both theories. You should clearly explain how you achieve either relative or absolute gains depending on the theory used.
6th paragraph: Conclusion
-Two in-text references from the attached PDF file named “IRT liberalism.”
-Two in-text references from the attached PDF file named “IRT economic structuralism.”
-Two in-text references from the attached PDF file named “L article1.”
-Two in-text references from the attached PDF file named “L article2.”
-Two in-text references from the attached PDF file named “A article.”
-One in-text reference from outside sources, which should be an academic source(books/journal articles).
-One in-text reference from outside sources, which should be trade sources(publications specific to an industry/government).
-One in-text reference from outside sources, which should be popular sources (newspapers/documentary films).
-Do not use a direct quotation. Instead, paraphrase and include an in-text citation. In-text citation should look like: Sentence ( Last name, year, p. for page/para. for paragraph number).
-For explaining definitions, do not use sources / in-text citations, and use your own words.
-To format a reference page, please refer to the attached PDF file named Lunsford APA guide.
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