Discuss what ONE tests you would use to confirm or deny your diagnosis of the patient.

Present a case study that has an ortho/neuro component as the chief complaint. This can be something involving cranial nerves, vestibular basilar insufficiency, DTRs, myotomes or dermatomes. You can make up a case, use one you have observed in the clinic or a case from a family member. Please remember to follow HIPPA guidelines when presenting patient information. You will also find a research article that provides support to your case. This article can be about acupuncture treatment or other modalities that are not part of standard care. Use APA 7 format to write your article. NEED to include OLDCARTS (Onset, location, duration, characteristic, alleviating or aggravating factors, radiation, timing, severity). -You also need to include HPI (history of present illness). -Discuss what ONE tests you would use to confirm or deny your diagnosis of the patient. -What is the standard of care for this condition in the current healthcare model? -Find a research article that is within the past 6 years (2018 and above) and of good quality using EIP analysis that applies to your case. Summarize it in one paragraph. This should include alternative care (acupuncture, mind-body medicine, nutrition, yoga, etc.) Ex. Physical therapy is considered a current standard of care and is not alternative. -References (2)- one can be the textbook. -APA 7 format. 1-2 pages

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