Question Set 1
Read through chapter 2 and identify at least two of the narratives of unwed mothers.
1. Citing the pages and testimonies, and giving examples, discuss some of the hardships and consequences faced by unmarried mothers in the Jim Crow South.
2. Why, do you think, would these circumstances have been so much more difficult to bear for unmarried black mothers as opposed to unmarried white mothers (who no doubt also faced stigmatization and outcast within their own communities)?
Question Set 2. Re-read the narratives of Margaret Sampson Rogers (pp. 7074) and Julie Wells (pp. 7478).
1. Citing from these two narratives, using examples, describe some of the prejudices about skin color and women’s appearances that existed within the African-American community.
2. How did this affect girls and women of darker skin? How did this affect girls and women of lighter skin?
Question Set 3. As background, read the relevant chapters sections 17.5, 21.3, and 23.1 of OpenStax US History, particularly those segments discussing the experience of Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, and US-Mexico relations in turn-of-the-century America. To answer the questions below, read closely the primary source documents Mexicans in the US in the 1920s, Documents AF (192029) assigned for Unit 2.
Referring to Documents D, E, & F:
1. What role do you believe race played in nativist attitudes towards Mexicans? How was race understood in the 1920s? Explain with evidence from the documents.
2. Referring to Document F, from the Richmond Planet, who might the masked men have been? What does this article tell us about the tactics the masked men used? Were they effective?
3. Based on these documents, were Mexicans welcome in the U.S. in the 1920s. If so, under what conditions? If no, why not? What evidence from Documents D, E, and F support these claims?
* Min. 150 words (total per each set), providing specific examples using quotes and citations from the text, using MLA in-line citations. Please also number your responses to correspond to the questions asked. NOTE: I WILL NOT GRADE RESPONSES THAT DO NOT PROPERLY QUOTE AND CITE FROM THE TEXT(S), DO NOT MEET THE MIN. WORD COUNT, OR ARE NOT NUMBERED TO CORRESPOND TO THE QUESTIONS ASKED.
** Living With Jim Crow Chapter 2. – see the file attached.
** Openstax History online book
**Mexicans in the US in the 1920s, Documents AF (192029) – see the file attached.
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