Discuss nation-states in the world today, and different types of political institutions are spread among them.

Discuss nation-states in the world today, and different types of political institutions are spread among them. What do we know about them? What can political scientists observe about them? Its challenging to study political systems outside of our own lived experience; indeed, its challenging to study American politics and government on their own. The subdiscipline of comparative politics provides political scientists with tools to understand different political systems by making comparisons or doing deep investigations into single countries.

My training is in comparative politics with an emphasis on Latin America and a specialty in post-1910 Revolutionary Mexican politics. Though I dont conduct research in political science, I have benefited from my training in teaching about American and Texas politics. Comparative politics opens our eyes to both similarities and differences observable in political systems, so we must be prepared to find out that some of what we believe to be true may, in fact, be wrong. Our observations and evidence based on rigorously defined research have to speak to us; we must not superimpose our preferences or experiences on our research.
Describe the map you reviewed and your main takeaways (what struck you as most important?)
In what ways does knowing this information alter or amplify what you previously knew?
What more information would you like to know now?

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