Health Informatics is an applied field of study incorporating theories from information science; computer science; the science for a specific discipline, such as medicine, nursing, or pharmacy; and the wide range of sciences used in healthcare delivery. As a result, Health Informatics specialists draw on a wide range of theories to guide their practice.
Choose 1 of the following four (4) major theoretical approaches as the main topic of your final paper and relate it to a current topic (practices, policies, and/or regulations) in Healthcare Informatics. Note: for the selected theory, each bullet listed under that theory is required to be included in the final paper. Also, the selected theory and topic are to be used for weeks 3, 4, 5, and 7 assignments.
Learning Theories
-Behavioral Theories
-Information Processing, or Cognitive Learning, Theories
-Adult Learning Theories
-Learning Styles
Last Completed Projects
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