Discussion Board 2: Stranded!
There are 2 parts to this discussion. Details on what is expected in both parts is found below the prompt.
Prompt (Use your imagination!):
You are a space tourist traveling to a distant planet when a malfunction occurs on your spaceship. All will need to exit the ship within a day. You will take an emergency escape pod to one of the planets nearby.
Your friend bets you that they can accurately describe the integumentary system of the organisms on the planet you are going to stop at. Little does your friend know that you have been studying the integumentary system.
Based on your knowledge of the human integumentary system, what do you think the integumentary systems of the organisms on this planet would be like? What will you see?
Choose one planet below and using the features of the human integumentary system, consider how that system may be altered for survival in these conditions. In other words, what integumentary system will the organism on this planet have to enable them to survive, just like how ours enables us to survive on earth.
1. Planet Aridosol: Hot, dry, windy
Temperature range: 95-115 degrees Fahrenheit
Wind range: 50-65 mph daily
Sunlight range: 20-24 hours a day (in a 24hr day)
Precipitation range: 2 short rainy seasons 10” a year. One lake highly saline.
2. Planet Histosol: Tropical, heavy vegetation, heavy rainfall
Temperature range: 75-95 degrees Fahrenheit. High humidity
Wind: very little
Sunlight: 18 hours a day but little gets through the trees. A shady planet
Precipitation range: Heavy, 1-2” per day
3. Planet Gelisol: Cold, gusty, icy
Temperature range: -35-20 degrees Fahrenheit
Wind range: 30-45 mph, gusts up to 80mph
Sunlight range: 14 hours a day (in a 24hr day)
Precipitation range: mild, snow/ice 3-5” per month
There is no perfect answer, but here are a few things to consider:
-Layers of the skin
-Cellular activity within the layers
-Depth of certain structures
-How the integumentary system may affect other organ systems in the body
-You may want to look at the animal kingdom for some ideas
Through this 2-part discussion with your classmates, you will state your planet choice, explain how the integumentary system (the alteration you think you will see) would affect the survival of these organisms using appropriate and sufficient evidence, and then respond to your classmates posts to convince them your alterations will most likely be seen. You need to know why your descriiption is the most advantageous. You want to win the bet! Use science to win!
Remember, no answer is one hundred percent correct so you are not saying that others are wrong, but instead why your descriiption is more optimal based on evidence of how the integumentary system works.
Part 1: Initial Post
• Length: 250-500 words
• State your planet choice and explain why you chose the integumentary alterations for survival there. When stating the evidence, consider the challenges that others may have to your evidence and how you could counter those respectful challenges.
• You will need to use at least 3 reputable scientific references to support your post (not including your textbook). Reputable sources= peer reviewed scientific journal articles, accredited websites, or books. Google, Wikipedia, etc. are not acceptable sources.
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