Define the concept of the social construction of gender.

The assignment should fulfill the following objectives:
Define the concept of the social construction of gender.
Describe one or two key experiences from your own life that illustrate the social construction of gender. This could be a childhood memory, a conversation or encounter with somebody (i.e. a parent, teacher, or friend), a connection to a cultural artefact (a tv show, toy, song), etc.
Apply the concept of the social construction of gender to the experiences you’ve described. How, specifically, do your experiences illustrate the concept? In what ways do your experiences add or expand on the concept?
Incorporate references to course materials in your work : please reference “I cant date jesus” book by Michael Arceneaux

3-5-pages (750-1250 words)—typed, double-spaced, 12-point font.
Proofrecixad for spelling and grammatical errors.

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