Dana Hall Case Study

Case Study APA Paper Instructions:

A. Download and read the Dana Hall Case Study A, B, C, D
B. Submit your responses to the following questions:
1) What were the drivers of the problem at Dana Hall in the 1980s?
2) How important is Dana Hall’s mission statement been in the thirty-five year period?
3) Could the Athletic Center been done before the Science Center?
4) Is it time for a new mission statement process?
5) What advice would you like to give Caroline Erisman today?

MDC upper-division students are required to know APA, therefore this assignment should be submitted as an APA style paper to include the following:
* Title page
* Abstract page
* Headings (convert the five questions above to headings)
* In-text citations (cite the case and any other source you may have researched)
* References page
Upload to Blackboard.

The term paper must be 8 pages at a minimun.
This assignmecixnt is due on Wednesday, June 16th, 2021.

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