Crisis Response Portfolio

My state is Georgia

To Prepare:
Review the Crisis Response Portfolio Template found in the Learning Resources and use this template to create your Crisis Response Portfolio for this course.
Your portfolio must include the following sections:
Part 1: Roles and Responsibilities
Part 2: Disaster Response Resources
Part 3: Suicide
Part 4: Sexual Assault and Violence

Assignment Part 1: Roles and Responsibilities
In your section called Roles and Responsibilities of your Crisis Response Portfolio, include:

Under Ethical Responsibilities: Please include ethical considerations for autonomy, informed consent, and confidentiality.
Under Legal Considerations: Discuss legal considerations and mandated reporting criteria identified by your state
You can find additional information and training my Google searching your state and mandated reporter training. This training provides valuable information and provides you with a certificate of training that you can include in your resume.
Please include child, elder, and at-risk population abuse or neglect.
Also include the duty to warn in your state.
Additionally, include the phone number you would call to report.
Under Volunteer Opportunities: Discuss at least one volunteer opportunity or organization that you find interesting that is not Red Cross.
Go to
Here you will find different organizations and opportunities
Please describe the organization.
Provide a brief summary of the services they provide and an opportunity you may have to support the community.

Part 2: Disaster Response Resources
To prepare:

Create a section in your Crisis Response Portfolio called Disaster Response Resources
Search your American Red Cross local chapter for information related to mental health crisis response training requirements.
Search your local and national community resources for information related to crisis response and what they provide in the way of relevant resources for crisis and trauma.
Consider the steps required to provide psychological first aid to crisis victims.

Assignment Part 2: Disaster Response Resources
In your section called Disaster Response Resources of your Crisis Response Portfolio, include:

Information related to your local chapter of the American Red Cross as it relates to mental health crisis response training requirements.
Information from your local and national community resources related to crisis response requirements. Please provide at least one local and one national resource.
The steps required to providing psychological first aid to crisis victims. Please include examples of each step. mandated reporting training for GA

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