Assignment Question
Assignment Question: Effective teamwork in organisations is both a natural and essential method of meeting organisational goals. Studies have explored how teams are created and structured, how they influence individual behaviour and how individuals influence team behaviour. In this assignment, you need to use the four articles provided (or additional articles) to write an essay of no more than 1,500 (+/- 10%) words, which discusses the factors of a group or team that influence productivity and performance. Pay particular attention to the types of task that influence a team’s performance, the influence of social identification within the team and the various measures of group or team effectiveness. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each study, and how they may inform your own approach to managing effective workplace teams.
• You must use scholarly sources as part of your essay. No specified number is provided but it would be unlikely that you could complete the essay thoroughly with less than 10 references.
• You must write your answer in ‘essay style’. Failure to do this (e.g. using bullet points) will result in a reduced mark for the ‘presentation’ component (see marking rubric below)
• The essay will be checked for potential plagiarism.
• The essay will be marked on the following criteria: Argument/Content/Referencing and Critical Analysis (80%): both section a and b are worth equal marks • Structure (15%): the essay follows a clear and logical structure
• Presentation (5%): the essay meets the specified formatting requirements, it is free of spelling errors and is professionally presented. (Please note that you will not be assessed on your use or proficiency in English, but spelling and grammatical mistakes are not acceptable). Additional Information: The four articles can be found via the library using the references are below. Lin, C., Tsai, Y. & Liu, M. (2016) Something good and something bad in R&D teams: Effects of social identification and dysfunctional behaviour. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 104: 191-199. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2016.01.001 Ellemers, N., Sleebos, E., Stam, D. & de Gilder, D. (2013), Feeling Included and Valued: How Perceived Respect Affects Positive Team Identity and Willingness to Invest in the Team. British Journal of Management, 24: 21-37. doi:10.1111/j.1467- 8551.2011.00784.x Huo, Y. J. & Binning, K. R. (2008), Why the Psychological Experience of Respect Matters in Group Life: An Integrative Account. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2: 1570-1585. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-9004.2008.00129.x Littlepage, G.E. (1991). Effects of Group Size and Task Characteristics on Group Performance: A Test of Steiner’s Model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17(4): 449-456. doi: 10.1177/0146167291174014
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