Compare and contrast the results of your study to existing literature to see what your research found out as related to current research. Reference and cite all expert knowledge from secondary research.

Final Term PaperThe final term paper will be a quantitative analysis of customer service. Students will interview 5 friends or relatives as to what they deem is quality customer service from their perspective as a customer. Once you get all the information from each, categorize into an Excel sheet and then do a simple analysis of the data and compare this to existing research on what quality service aspects are important (may use the text or a journal article; no wikis, blogs).Write this in a formal presentation (not a section on each interviewee and stating question and their answer) and include graphs from the Excel analysis as to what aspects are most and least desirable in quality customer service, and what they feel is important in being brand loyal.  Location Lowest price Convenience Friendly staff Loyalty program Knowledgeable staffYou may ask an open-ended question of what other aspects they would consider would be included in excellent customer service. Compare and contrast the results of your study to existing literature to see what your research found out as related to current research. Reference and cite all expert knowledge from secondary research.Final papers are to be comprehensive and exhaustive, tying class topics to the paper. As with all scholarly/professional submissions, a fully APA formatted paper is required (including title page, abstract, reference page, topic headings, etc.). Class topics are to be substantiated (referenced & cited) from the text, and/or other sources. DUE: June 27
The idea is to have students delineate aspects of quality customer service, and learn to do simple research analysis by inputting it into an Excel sheet and creating a graph or chart, then writing a synopsis of what you found in your research. Then copy/paste the chart/graph into a Word document and introduce what you were researching. Research quality customer service surveys to see what you come up with as a model, just keep it simple. Hope this helps clarify. Just have some fun with this while learning basic research techniques while also seeing what people consider quality customer service!

APA format (7th edition APA manual) for all submissions: title page, body, reference page
**all assignments are to be one (1) submission (all chapters in one paper, using proper APA headings to delineate chapters)

***All assignments are to be a Word document

****Do not write out the questions but rephrase the question into your answer (as per scholarly/professional writing).cix

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