Based on Maxwells chapter (Chapter 5), Simmernan’s (2018) chapter in Sanders et al., and your personal experiences, list and describe two major public relations or publicity initiatives that you could utilize to involve faculty members and administrators with your learning support center. Additionally, indicate the potential value of each initiative in your center. (10 points).

Question #1

Based on Maxwells chapter (Chapter 5), Simmernan’s (2018) chapter in Sanders et al., and your personal experiences, list and describe two major public relations or publicity initiatives that you could utilize to involve faculty members and administrators with your learning support center. Additionally, indicate the potential value of each initiative in your center. (10 points).

Question #2

Based on Christs conversation in Christ et al., please explain the distinction he makes between public relations and publicity. Based on Christs conversation in Christ et al., and the distinction that he makes between PR and publicity, and your other readings this week including Sizemore’s (2018) chapter in Sanders et al., list and discuss two specific public relations objectives for a learning support center that would create a favorable image for the center. List and discuss two specific publicity activities that you think would increase the use of a learning support centers programs and services. (10 points)

I was only able to attach one article but here are the other two

Maxwell (1997) “improving student learning skills (chapter 5)

Chapter 8, Sizemore, (2018) “Building an intentional marketing plan for learning centers” (pp.118-123)

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