Analysis of Science Vs Pseudoscience: Dissecting Pseudoscience.

Analysis of Science Vs Pseudoscience: Dissecting Pseudoscience
The purpose of this discussion board assignment is to analyze information to determine its validity. Deception in science is real and called pseudoscience. This can occur in many ways. In this assignment you will learn the differences between real science and pseudoscience, how to identify them and you will be asked to share a pseudoscience article/website with reasoning as to why you believe it is pseudoscience and not real science following the parameters given.

In chapter one, we’ve learned about the scientific method and you should be moving on to chemistry. One of the biggest things we will be exploring in the laboratory discussions beginning next week are scientific articles, how to dissect and digest them. Scientific articles are directly related to the Scientific Method. They way the experiment is conducted, they way the material is presented it is all the same methodology. But, the most important thing about true science is that it is peer reviewed.

What does Peer Review mean? It means that other scientists from different institutions that the original researchers do not know, go through their data, their methods and their results to make sure everything was done correctly and that there was no manipulation of the data for a desired outcome. For this discussion I would like you to follow the links recognize credible sources understanding scientific research and dissecting pseudoscience, that shows you how to distinguish science from pseudoscience. In the last website, you will have the opportunity to link to a fake scientific article about ‘phantom DNA’ and read about how to know if a article is not trustworthy. There is also a TED talk about combating pseudoscience within the webpage.

Here are the four basic things to look at:

Is it published by a reputable source?
Do we know who the author is, and what are their affiliations?
Has the author cited other articles, from quality sources?
Are the claims made in the article specific, and are they verifiable?
1. Read all of the information presented on the webpage dissecting pseudoscience, and watch the embedded TED talk.

2. Find an article or website that you believe is presenting pseudoscience. *Please know that there are science news websites like These summarize journal articles, and usually give a link to the article. Please to go the primary source of the journal article to see if it is pseudoscience or not.

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